Navratri Celebrations

Happy Navratri
Navratri is the most Famous Festival of Gujarat around the world. Navratri is group of 'nine nights', where Gujarti people enjoy festival with joy and relious, for nine nights. This is an ancient and colourful festival. Navratri honours the one Divine Shakti or Force which supports the entire universe, and is personified as the Mother Goddess. She protects her worshippers, destroys evil and grants boons to her children. This Navratri Festival is essentially religious in nature.

Navratri is celebrated with true devotion in the various temples dedicated to Mataji. This is also true of the temples which usually have a constant stream of visitors from morning to night.

The most Interesting point is the Ras-Garba, a circular dance executed by men and women around an ceramic pot called a Garbo. A silver coin is placed within the pot, called a kumbh, and coconut has also been placed on the top. As the performers circle the pot, a singer and a drummer provide the musical. The participants clap in a steady rhythm. Nowadays, loudspeakers are used to enhance the sound which grows to a crescendo. The Garbo normally starts slowly, and it becomes faster and faster as the music too becomes more fast. Gujarat is famous for its Ras-Garba around the world.

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